Become SETA Accredited Training Provider 5854

If you want to check on a provider accredited by QCTO or a SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority) go to the website of the South African Qualifications Authority at and click on the links with the various SETAs where you can access lists of accredited providers. Become SETA Accredited Training Provider Become SETA Accredited Training Provider. Accreditation is the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, body or institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function within the quality assurance system set up by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Become SETA Accredited Training Provider A provider is an education and training body (institution/organisation, company, centre, collaborative partnership, or consultancy) which delivers learning programmes that culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards or qualifications. Become SETA Accredited Training Provider Skills Providers, previously Training Providers has to offer part qualifications/or full qualifications. They also have to be registered with the DHET (since 1 July 2017) Become SETA Accredited Training Provider The Skills Provider determines primary focus. The QCTO Quality Assurance Management Division requirements are compiled by the provider. The Skills Provider completes and submits an online application form for accreditation. A compliance check is conducted by QCTO and the provider receives a notification of compliance / non-compliance. The Skills Provider responds to the notification if necessary. A site visit is scheduled and conducted by a QCTOs evaluator. The evaluator sends his/her report to QCTO. The Skills Provider is required to respond to areas of remediation if necessary, and make the relevant submission. Confirm registration with the DHET. Become SETA Accredited Training Provider A provider is an education and training body (institution/organisation, company, centre, collaborative partnership, or consultancy) which delivers learning programmes that culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards or qualifications. Become SETA Accredited Training Provider Become SETA Accredited