Facilitator Course

Facilitator Course

Education and experience are the primary qualifications for a learning facilitator. You need at least a bachelor’s degree in human resources, education, or instructional design. A degree in training and development is also acceptable.

The Facilitator Course is about working with people and assisting individuals with their interactions and discussion. Differences in people need to be valued – people think, learn and operate in different ways. Understanding and applying basic principles to the development and delivery of the facilitation will go a long way to improving both the experience and the results of the group.

Facilitation methodologies and tools will be given to help trainers prepare for, facilitate and assess the learning experience. There are numerous ways facilitation can be improved and create an opportunity to stretch oneself. This course will provide input on how to do this.

The Facilitator Course objective of this course is to develop the awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes of participants needed to deliver professional facilitation. This course will ensure any facilitator learns how to present a lesson or a training facilitation in a highly professional, entertaining, dynamic, impactful and interactive manner. This course is designed so that the participants understand the theory of good communication prior to preparing, delivering and evaluating facilitation within a stimulated context. The course is divided between what good communication is, how to prepare an effective facilitation, and delivering it so that you have a persuasive audience impact.

Facilitator Course RANGE
1. Facilitator Course are required to demonstrate that they can perform the specific outcomes with understanding and reflexivity. However, at this level they will have internalised the “rules” or principles, which inform what they do, and will not longer be operating consciously with such rules.
2. The specific outcomes should be performed in line with an established approach for facilitating learning using a variety of methodologies. At this level practitioners should be able to describe two alternative facilitation methodologies, to explain how their performance would differ when using the different methodologies, and to justify their choice of methodology.
3. At this level, practitioners should be able to relate knowledge beyond their occupational and ETD competences to the performance of the ETD competence described in this standard.

OBJECTIVES OF THE Facilitator Course
This course aims to:
• Equip participants with skills for selecting appropriate
methods to facilitate learning and mediate conflict
among individuals, groups and teams;
• Assist participants to reflect upon the significance of the
social and cultural context in human interaction;
• Introduce participants to theories and principles of adult
learning, lifelong learning, learning organisations and
• Enable participants to develop strategies to create a
conducive learning environment.