SDF in South Africa

All Companies/Organizations that have a wage bill (inclusive directors drawings) in excess of R500 000 per annum, must pay 1% of this wage bill as a training Levy (SDL). In order to get some of this money back, they need to have an qualified SDF – Skills Development Facilitator (either internal or external) to advice/assist them with various processes.

What is the purpose of a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP)? 

The Workplace Skills Plan serves to structure the type and amount of training for the year ahead, and is based on the skills needs of the organisation. A good WSP should consider current and future needs, taking into account gaps identified through a skills audit, the performance management system, succession planning initiatives, and any new process or technology changes planned for the year.

By when is the levy payable?

The levy must be paid to SARS not later than SEVEN days after the end of the month in respect of which the levy is payable, under cover of a SDL 201 return form.

The functions of a Skills Development Facilitator

Assist the employer and employees to develop a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP).
Submit the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) to the relevant Seta.
Advise on the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan.
Assist to draft an Annual Training Report (ATR) on the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan.
Advice on the quality assurance requirements set by the Seta.
Act as a contact person between you and the Seta.
Serve as a resource for all aspects of skills development.

Companies/Organisations can either train their own internal person to become the represented SDF or contact any of our Top Students/Facilitators or Agents.

We at MYSDF offer a free service where we create the opportunities for Companies / Organisations to get in contact directly with these qualified staff with no hidden cost. Simply another way that we support our learners and members of the group

SDF Course: Skills Development Facilitator